Waterproofing Process
CGI Texas's process can quickly stop seeping, dripping or flowing water located in difficult, costly and damaging below grade leaks. At the location of the leaks, 1" holes are drilled into the concrete to receive the patented IP100 Injection Pistol. The IP100 eliminates the need for ports and packers and is built to be utilized for many years. The injected DifGel HD 2.0 Acrylic Resin is then injected under pressure to fill even the farthest and smallest of internal fissures, because the viscosity is very similar to water. A colored dye is added to the resin to help track the resin's path during injections. DifGel HD 2.0 has an adjustable setting time from 5 seconds to over 2 hours, while always maintaining its' properties and forming a waterproof seal. Leaks are permanently sealed with no significant disturbance to the environment or structure. CGI Texas specializes in blow grade waterproofing, mainly elevator pits, tunnels, vaults, pipe penetrations, dams, and basements.